Geometric Asian Fridges

This Sharp Refrigerator Flaunts a Bold Japanese Aesthetic

This compact Sharp refrigerator adopts a bold design inspired by Japan. Although the fridge looks as though it should be able to open up from a number of its rectangular compartments, it opens from the top in a fairly conventional way. However, this appliance does have a few neat features that really make it stand out.

The MiYABi boasts 501 liters of storage capacity, plus a bacteria-killing plasma and reinforced glass paneling, which is resistant to those inevitable dings and scratches. To make the most of its tall, towering form, the freezer space on the bottom has three tiered drawers that pull out horizontally, plus a specific pull-out panel that's ideal for storing frozen goods like fish.
Trend Themes
1. Geometric Japanese Appliances - Designing compact appliances with geometric shapes and Japanese aesthetics could be a new trend in the appliance industry.
2. Multi-functional Freezer Compartments - Designing freezers with multiple tiered drawers and specialized compartments for specific frozen goods could be a new trend in the appliance industry.
3. Smart Refrigerators with Advanced Features - Designing refrigerators with advanced features like bacteria-killing plasma and reinforced glass paneling could be a new trend in the appliance industry.
Industry Implications
1. Appliance Manufacturing - The appliance manufacturing industry could benefit from producing unique-looking appliances with advanced features such as bacteria-killing plasma.
2. Home Decor Retail - The home decor retail industry could benefit from selling stylish and attractive Japanese-inspired appliances that can add to a consumer's home aesthetic.
3. Kitchen Product Design - The kitchen product design industry could benefit from creating appliances that have multi-functional freezer compartments with specific designs for different types of frozen goods.

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