Sensual Massage Creams

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Wicked Sensual Care Boasts a Triad of Pleasure-Enhancing Massage Creams

Sensual care brand Wicked boasts three premium sensual massage creams that promise to take pleasure to the next level. The formulas are built for when one's body "craves touch and relaxation." Consumers may choose from the Orange Blossom + Patchouli Massage Cream, the Sage + Sea Salt Massage Cream, and the Stripped + Bare Massage Cream. Each offering is packed with nourishing benefits, making the sensual massage creams multi-functional. All three feature vitamins A and E, as well as electrolytes for skin hydration. This boosts the nourishing properties of the sensual massage creams. While the Orange Blossom + Patchouli and the Sage + Sea Salt formulations are gently scented, the Stripped + Bare option is tailored more toward people who have scent sensitivities. All creams are vegan.
Trend Themes
1. Sensual Massage Creams - The trend is the use of multi-functional, pleasure-enhancing massage creams with nourishing benefits
2. Vegan Sensual Care Products - The trend is the growing demand for vegan sensual care products that promote holistic health and wellness
3. Customizable Self-care Routines - The trend is the desire for consumers to customize their self-care routines with pleasure-enhancing products like sensual massage creams
Industry Implications
1. Beauty and Personal Care Industry - The industry can capitalize on the trend by developing more multi-functional, vegan sensual care products that promote holistic health and wellness
2. Wellness Industry - The industry can leverage the trend by incorporating pleasure-enhancing products like sensual massage creams into their offerings to provide a complete mind-body experience
3. Hospitality Industry - The industry can disrupt the norm by offering guests a customizable self-care menu that includes pleasure-enhancing products like sensual massage creams to enhance their stay

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