Encased Fantasy Illustrations

Selena Wong Renders Ethereal Scenes Trapped Inside Glass Jars

Selena Wong is a Toronto-based illustrator and in her rendered worlds, anything is possible. She specializes in fantasy depictions with nature-inspired motifs, and viewers are often overcome with a sense of euphoria just staring at her work. She’s managed to retain the heart and imagination of a child and it clearly shows in her compositions as youthful subjects and fairytale elements are strongly represented in these images.

In her series entitled ‘Preserved Collection,’ Selena Wong illustrates surreal scenes being encased inside glass jars. From floating miniature sheep to amoeba-like entities, Wong presents viewers with whimsical and highly thought-provoking visuals made using gouache on paper. It’s a bizarre collection that invites interpretation, though it’s outlandish elements will probably leave audiences scratching their heads in confusion more so than nodding their heads in agreement.
Trend Themes
1. Surreal Encasement - There is an opportunity to create hyper-realistic encased products for collectors who seek novelty and surrealism.
2. Nature-inspired Fantasy - Artistic creators can take inspiration from nature and add a touch of fantasy to their compositions to create immersive worlds and experiences.
3. Child-like Imagination - There is an opportunity to create products and experiences that tap into the child-like imagination and sense of wonder, as shown in Selena Wong's illustrations.
Industry Implications
1. Fine Art - Fine artists can use new materials, such as glass, to create new, avant-garde works that challenge viewers' perceptions and offer new sensations and experiences for the senses.
2. Collectibles - A new collection of collectible items can be created which can be sold to collectors who are interested in art and items which can only be found online.
3. Entertainment - The illustrated ideas and storylines can become part of the creative process in films and movie production.

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