Vegan Junk Food Voyages

Scott's Pizza Tours Hits up the Best Vegetarian Pie Shops in NYC

Although breast cancer fundraising and NYC-style pizza pies have little in common, Scott's Pizza Tours (an emerging tourist service in the city) intends to meld the two in a mouth-watering romp around the Big Apple.

Starting on October 1st, Scott and his similarly vegan brother Jon will lead groups of intrepid herbivores to four pizzerias in the city, each of which offers a multitude of tasty vegetarian options. Although it'll set you back $60, the worthwhile expedition will begin in a typically yellow school bus in Greenwich Village and end with a group of satisfied vegans with bloated stomachs. But don't worry about overeating because $1 will be shaved off each ticket and forwarded to the Karen Mullen Breast Cancer Foundation.

Rarely, if ever, are people given the opportunity to indulge in the world's greatest snack while simultaneously supporting a worthwhile cause, and Scott's Pizza Tours end on Halloween, so hurry to make the most of this great offer.
Trend Themes
1. Vegetarian Junk Food Tours - As concern over diet and health continues to grow, the trend for vegetarian junk food is likely to climb, presenting opportunities in areas like tourism, food service, and marketing.
2. Food Tourism for a Cause - Offering food experiences that support a cause could be an emerging trend in tourism, providing opportunities for businesses in the food and travel industries.
3. Vegan Food Influencers - Influencers in the vegan food scene are on the rise and are likely to play an even bigger role in shaping food trends in the future.
Industry Implications
1. Food Service - Food service businesses could benefit from offering more vegetarian and vegan options as the trend continues to grow, and creating experiences that support a cause.
2. Travel and Tourism - Travel and tourism businesses could benefit from offering food experiences that support a cause and appeal to growing interest in vegetarianism and veganism.
3. Non-profit Fundraising - Opportunities may exist for non-profits to partner with food businesses and influencers to create unique fundraising experiences for a variety of causes.

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