Saké-Flavored Ice Creams

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Mukai Brewery Debuted a New Desert Made with Saké and Ice Cream

Kuniko Mukai of Mukai Brewery recently attended an online event to showcase a new desert crafted from umami-rich black rice saké and vanilla ice cream, and the unconventional new dessert offering was inspired by affogato. According to Australia-based saké consultant, Simone Maynard, the new desert was surprisingly delicious. She commented: "The maltiness and umami character of this sake blended so well with the flavor and texture of the vanilla ice cream."

Maynard commented on the unusualness of the pairing, since "a lot of sake fans tend to steer away from experimentation, fearing it would be 'sacrilegious'." However, more industry leaders are pushing the boundaries when it comes to the use of the Japanese alcohol beverage, showcasing how it can be enjoyed in unconventional but delicious products and offerings.
Trend Themes
1. Saké-infused Treats - Opportunity for food and beverage industry to experiment with saké to create unconventional yet tasty products such as saké-infused ice creams.
2. Umami Flavors - Potential trend for incorporating umami-rich flavors in desserts and sweets for a unique and savory taste profile.
3. Japanese-inspired Desserts - Rising trend of incorporating Japanese ingredients and flavors in desserts to create unique and authentic dessert experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Opportunity for food and beverage industry to incorporate saké and umami flavors in desserts and sweets to attract adventurous and multicultural palates.
2. Alcohol Manufacturing - Potential for saké breweries and distilleries to collaborate with dessert and confectionery manufacturers to create innovative and unique saké-infused products.
3. Tourism and Hospitality - Opportunity for restaurants and hotels specializing in Japanese cuisine to offer saké-infused desserts and sweets to enhance the guest experience and offer an authentic taste of Japan.

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