Bursting Bladder Ads

This Safe4u Spray Campaign Markets a Product for a Clean Public Pee

Using public restrooms aren't the idea option, but when you're bladder is bursting, the Safe4u Spray campaign suggests a way to improve the experience as far as sanitation is concerned.

Although plenty of experiments show that the kitchen counter is often home to more bacteria than a toilet seat, the statement cannot be extended to communal facilities. The germaphobe will be happy to discover this lipstick-sized canister of antiseptic spray with which she can apply to the porcelain throne before use.

In Our Time Australia developed this large print advertisement under the direction of Grant Booker. The image portrayed features a woman clearly desperate to relieve herself, enacting a situation all too familiar to women, and people in general. It is in scenarios like the one described in the Safe4u Spray campaign when a portable anti-bacterial product is just what someone needs.
Trend Themes
1. Sanitizing Products for Public Restrooms - Opportunity for companies to create innovative portable antibacterial products for public restrooms.
2. Marketing Products for Unpleasant Experiences - Opportunity for companies to market products that make unpleasant experiences more bearable.
3. Empowering Personal Hygiene Practice - Opportunity for companies to create personal hygiene products that empower people to take control of their personal hygiene.
Industry Implications
1. Personal Hygiene Products - The personal hygiene industry can innovate with antibacterial products for public restrooms.
2. Advertising Industry - Creative ads can bring innovative products, such as Safe4u Spray, to people's attention.
3. Outdoor Retail Industry - Companies in the outdoor retail industry can market portable antibacterial products as essential items for outdoor activities.

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