Work-Encouraging Buttons

The Saent is an Electronic Aid that Seeks to Eliminate Work Distractions

former lead designer at Lenovo has created the Saent button that transforms the time management theory called Pomodoro Technique into a tech-savvy work aid. The Saent is designed to help desk workers avoid distractions and conduct highly productive tasks in 25-minute segments.

The Bluetooth-connected button is essentially a muter that is placed on a desk and deactivates apps and social media sites to create a distraction-free work space. When the button is tapped it shuts out the web-based world and uses an LED light to count down the remaining time. The timer presents a reward-like challenge that has proven to be highly effective.

The device is also fully programmable so users can decide which apps and sites will be muted.
Trend Themes
1. Desk-working Aids - The Saent button is an electronic aid that seeks to eliminate work distractions while desk workers avoid distractions and conduct highly productive tasks in 25-minute segments.
2. Productivity Boosters - The Saent button serves as a tech-savvy work aid designed to help desk workers be productive while avoiding distractions.
3. Distraction-free Devices - The Saent button is a Bluetooth-connected button that shuts out the web-based world to create a distraction-free work space through the use of an LED light that counts down the remaining time.
Industry Implications
1. Tech - The Saent button is a groundbreaking electronic aid that could revolutionize time management for tech companies seeking a more productive work environment.
2. Design - The Saent button was created by a former lead designer at Lenovo, demonstrating the power of design in creating tech-savvy work aids for desk workers.
3. Startup - Startup companies seeking to increase productivity and eliminate distractions could benefit greatly from incorporating the Saent button into their work routine.

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