Dramatically Ornate Eyewear

S. Anomalous Creates Theatrical Latex Monocle Prosthetics

Unless a person loves being theatrical day in and day out, the S. Anomalous collection is not suited for everyday environments. Instead, they are more suited to the stage. Dark, dramatic and ornate, S. Anomalous' monocles lend a sinister look that is at once disturbing and mesmerizing.

Designed by Kristen Phillips, an artist based in Philadelphia, United States, the S. Anomalous collection is an extension of her creature designer and FX makeup artist background. Termed 'latex monocle prosthetics,' they are like an extension of the person themselves rather than some sort of unnatural accessory. Thanks to the latex materials, the monocles are lightweight even if they look heavy.

Symbolizing Cthulhu, skulls, lions, mythological figures and more, the S. Anomalous collection boasts lenses that are mirrors, black opaque or even small crystal balls.
Trend Themes
1. Theatrical Wearables - Opportunity for the development of accessories and wearable items that provide a dramatic aesthetic to the wearer.
2. Artistic Extensions - The integration of artistic and creative elements in wearable design.
3. Latex Innovations - Development of new materials and manufacturing processes that utilize latex in wearable and prosthetic designs.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Opportunity for designers and brands to incorporate theatrical elements to mainstream fashion and create unique and expressive pieces.
2. Entertainment - Opportunity for costume and prop designers to incorporate unique elements into their creations for films, theater, and television productions.
3. Prosthetics - Development of innovative prosthetics utilizing lightweight and durable materials like latex.

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