Dating-Inspired Networking Apps

Former Tinder Employees Created the Ripple App for Networking

Professional networking can be an incredible chore, but thanks to the Ripple app, this experience can be streamlined and more rewarding. Led by former Tinder CTO Ryan Ogle and a team of former Tinder employees, Ripple is set to redefine the professional networking landscape in a significantly better way. Backed by the Match Group, Ripple seeks to strip away the unwanted connection requests, inbox spam and general inconveniences associated with other networking platforms, and brings a more interactive experience to it.

The basic model behind the app calls back to a lot of the psychological principles that made Tinder such a success. The team worked hard to incorporate the same interactive experiences into their new venture in a way that was more conducive to the job market. Much like Tinder, Ripple has users swipe on different profiles and allows them to connect, but only after both parties have agreed to communicate. The app will allow for full integration with Twitter, LinkedIn and Google, and will have a built in report feature to ensure users are not misusing the app. The Ripple app is currently being tested in its beta build.
Trend Themes
1. Streamlined Professional Networking - The Ripple app aims to streamline the professional networking experience, making it more efficient and rewarding for users.
2. Interactive Networking Experiences - Ripple incorporates interactive experiences similar to those of Tinder, creating a more engaging networking platform for professionals.
3. Integration with Social Media Platforms - Ripple allows users to integrate their profiles with Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google, providing a seamless networking experience across multiple platforms.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - The technology industry can benefit from the disruptive innovation opportunities offered by streamlined and interactive networking platforms like Ripple.
2. Human Resources - The human resources industry can explore the potential of using the Ripple app to facilitate efficient and effective networking among professionals.
3. Social Media - The social media industry can leverage the integration capabilities of Ripple to enhance networking features within their existing platforms.

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