Bruised-Up Boxers

Rich Hendry Exposes Fighters in 'Fight Me'

In his 'Fight Me' photo set, Rich Hendry captures the raw essence of fighters in a way that no highlight reel can. These knockout images expose the hellacious shape a pro or amateur fighter must be in, as well as the inherent beating that comes with the profession.

Check out some other intense portraits of athletes below.

Implications - During the recession, many artists and photographers strayed away from beautiful, overly retouched scenes to edgy portraits that depicted grittier subjects. Unconventional "models" and visible indicators of injury such as bruises and blood featured heavily in this genre as creatives sought to explore the feelings of angst and anxiety caused by the credit crunch.
Trend Themes
1. Gritty Sports Photography - Opportunity for photographers to capture raw and authentic moments in sports, showcasing the physical and emotional toll on athletes.
2. Unconventional Models - A trend in photography where unconventional subjects, such as pro or amateur fighters, are used to convey a sense of realism and intensity.
3. Exploring Angst and Anxiety - A trend in art and photography to delve into the emotional experiences of individuals during challenging times, using visual indicators like bruises and blood.
Industry Implications
1. Sports Photography - Photographers specializing in capturing intense moments in sports, focusing on showcasing the physicality and emotion.
2. Creative Arts - Artists and photographers exploring unconventional subjects, pushing boundaries to evoke intense emotions in their audience.
3. Athletic Performance - Industries related to sports and fitness, where the physical and mental demands of fighters and athletes are studied to improve performance and recovery.

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