Turnover T-Shirts

Comic-Con's 'Resident Evil' Shirt Turns You Into a Zombie

You've probably witnessed guys lifting their shirts above their heads in drunkenly disorder at the bar. The Resident Evil Shirt by Comic-Con allows you to take part in this strange practice while adding a little twist.

The front of the shirt reads “Let Your Darkside Out,” while the inside of the shirt features a zombie-like face.

Acting like a fool just got a whole lot cooler.

Implications - Businesses that can think of unusual ways to alter existing products are most likely to remain fresh in the eyes of consumers. By altering product designs ever-so-slightly, businesses can continue to think outside the box and remain special in comparison to existing products.
Trend Themes
1. Alternative Shirt Designs - Unusual designs of existing products are likely to attract and retain consumers.
2. Interactive Fashion - Interactive fashion pieces may become more popular as consumers seek unique, entertaining products.
3. Novelty Clothing Trends - Novelty clothing items may continue to gain popularity as consumers look to stand out and express their personal style.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry can capitalize on interactive and novelty clothing trends to remain innovative and relevant.
2. Entertainment - Entertainment companies like Comic-Con can offer interactive merchandise to enhance the fan experience and increase revenue.
3. Retail - Retailers can stay ahead of the curve by offering alternative designs and unique, eye-catching products.

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