Destroy Past Success Strategies

Jeremy Gutsche's Better and Faster Research Book Praises Resetting

Repeatedly we are conditioned to repeat and optimize the strategies that lead us to our previous successes but as innovation keynote speaker Jeremy Gutsche points out in his new research book 'Better and Faster: The Proven Path to Unstoppable Ideas', this is often an unfruitful effort. Instead Gutsche encourages destroying what has worked in the past in order to come up with something truly visionary.

While a concept for a service, product or brand might have been previously prosperous, it is unlikely to continue to succeed if nothing is adapted to reflect surrounding times of change. In 'Better and Faster,' Gutsche shares three neurological traps of the Farmer mentality -- including protectiveness -- that hold individuals back from innovating outside their triumphs. Find out more ways to unleash your inner phoenix and order a copy of 'Better and Faster' HERE.
Trend Themes
1. Resetting Strategies - Opportunity to reset and destroy past success strategies to embrace visionary ideas.
2. Adapting to Change - Need to adapt and innovate to reflect the evolving times and avoid becoming stagnant.
3. Unleashing Inner Phoenix - Exploring ways to break free from the neurological traps and unlock innovative potential.
Industry Implications
1. Business Consulting - Business consultants can offer guidance on resetting strategies and adapting to change for their clients.
2. Publishing - Potential market for books like 'Better and Faster' that encourage innovative thinking and resetting strategies.
3. Personal Development - Opportunity for personal development coaches to help individuals unleash their inner phoenix and overcome mental blocks to innovation.

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