Naughty Senior Superstars

Tokuda, 73, Stars in Very Mature Films

Shigeo Tokuda, or better known as just 'Tokuda' in his line of work, is a 73-year-old who gets more action in the bedroom than most men do in their dreams!

Tokuda is a star in elderly porn movies. He sleeps with women between the ages of 20 and 80 - and even gets more than one woman at a time.

Tokuda has starred in over 200 adult videos and hopes to continue to do so until his 80s.

“I retired and didn't have anything to do,” the porn star, who works for Ruby Productions, said.

This is my second life. I don't know how long I can keep living, but I want to enjoy the rest of it.”

“In his generation, Tokuda is a superstar,” said adult video director Gaichi Kono.

“He encourages older people to think, 'I can do this because that old man can do this.'”
Trend Themes
1. Elderly Porn - The rise of elderly pornographic films could lead to the realization of new markets and audiences within the adult film industry.
2. Senior Citizen Media Popularity - The popularity of senior citizen celebrities is on the rise, presenting new opportunities to cater to an older demographic in entertainment.
3. Late-life Entrepreneurship - Tokuda represents the opportunities that are available to retirees who wish to pursue second careers, even in less conventional industries.
Industry Implications
1. Adult Entertainment - The elderly porn industry is likely to experience substantial growth as retirees become increasingly open to participatory ventures.
2. Film and Television - The entertainment industry could make a greater effort to market to senior citizens, who are statistically the world's fastest-growing age demographic.
3. Retirement and Aged Care - Retirement providers could benefit from promoting the message that life after retirement can be fulfilling and engaging.

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