Rubber Rebound Seating

‘A Restless Chairacter' Seating Lets You Rock When You Shouldn&

This rebound chair is a seat made of rubber by Pepe Heykoop, and it's perfect for people who can’t sit still.

"The chair is made of a regularly solid material (wood or metal of some sort), while the joints and the skin of the chair are made of rubber," Yanko Design says. "You may bend and turn any way you wish, without breaking or busting. Don’t bend too far, however, as the chair has not been rendered fall-on-your-head-proof."

Well, this is practically cheating. Maybe the designer got yelled at for rocking back from the table in Aunt Maude’s finest Whackerback chair, and then rushed back to the computer and whipped up a design for a rubber chair. Or, rather, a chair with rubber joints to provide the opportunity of screwing around without the risk of breaking. He may also have been on shrooms, because he named his creation "The Restless Chairacter."
Trend Themes
1. Rubber Seating - The use of rubber in seating designs provides a unique and flexible way to experience furniture.
2. Flexible Joints - Flexible joints in furniture and other products allow for increased mobility and customization in design.
3. Motion Seating - Seating designs that encourage movement offer a new way to engage with furniture.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Design - The furniture industry can benefit from incorporating unique materials and designs that promote movement and flexibility.
2. Industrial Design - Flexible materials and joints in industrial design fields can lead to increased functionality and customization in everyday products.
3. Office Equipment - Incorporating seating designs that promote movement can improve workplace productivity and employee health.

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