Razor Blade Pendant by Arash and Kelly

Razor Blade Pendant By Arash And Kelly

As you may know, I'm a huge fan of NIKE shoes. So, when I saw this pendant available at the Arash and Kelly design store, I just had to have it. It's a pendant using the (most likely) trademarked NIKE phrase, “Just Do It”. A Phrase NIKE has used for years as a call to arms for all wanna-be athletes to get out there, buy a pair of NIKEs, and just do your sport. But rarely, do products ever sympathize with the suicidally depressed individuals in the world. Why can't they have a series of products based around their needs and desires? Why does everyone has to be so damn cheerful? Now, of course, we have the razor blade pendant, a punk rock tome in steel. I'm terminally happy, but I bet I could sell a bus load of these pendants if I set up in front of a Bauhaus concert.
Trend Themes
1. Athletic-inspired Fashion Accessories - Creating fashion accessories inspired by athletic brands or slogans to capture a broader audience.
2. Gothic/punk Fashion Accessories - Designing darker, edgier fashion accessories for those looking to add some unique flair to their wardrobe.
3. Mental Health-inspired Accessories - Designing fashion accessories or merchandise with mental health awareness messages to create a more inclusive culture.
Industry Implications
1. Apparel and Accessories - Creating unique fashion statement pieces that merge different styles or themes.
2. Mental Health Awareness - Incorporating mental health messaging into fashion accessories can help break down societal stigmas and reduce discrimination.
3. Niche Music Events and Festivals - Selling gothic and punk-inspired accessories and fashion at music festivals to cater to a unique and growing fanbase.

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