Trippy Translucid Paintings

Rashad Alakbarov Beautifully Paints on Walls Using Light

Making shadow animals with fingers is not always easy, which is why the complex artistic shadow pieces by Rashad Alakbarov from Azerbaijan are mind-blowing. These light paintings are fascinating because they are the result of an organized set of suspended translucent objects.

Alakbarov uses everything from water bottles to empty bulb boxes to design jaw-dropping shadow figures on surfaces. He cleverly arranges the suspended materials, so that when he puts the lights on, a mesmerizing painting appears on the wall. An intersting aspect of these pieces is that when examining the objects, it's hard to tell that they create the shadow one sees.

To check out the light paintings by Rashad Alakbarov, there is one currently exhibited at the exhibition Fly to Baku at De Pury Gallery in London until January 29th.
Trend Themes
1. Shadow Art - Utilizing transparent objects to create mesmerizing shadow paintings on walls.
2. Translucent Design - Incorporating translucent materials to create intricate visual compositions.
3. Light Manipulation - Using illuminations to transform ordinary objects into stunning works of art.
Industry Implications
1. Art Galleries - Displaying and promoting innovative shadow art installations.
2. Interior Design - Incorporating translucent design elements to create unique and visually striking spaces.
3. Fine Art Collecting - Investing in light manipulation artworks as valuable pieces of contemporary art.

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