First Responders Apps

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RapidSOS Aims to Revolutionize Emergency Response and Communication

Last month, RapidSOS was awarded $50,000 as part of Harvard Business School's 2015 New Venture Competition for students and alumni. Aiming to "revolutionize emergency response and communication," it will be "the only way, other than a conventional and unreliable phone call, to reach first responders in an emergency" according to its website.

Developed at MIT and Harvard, RapidSOS requires only one touch on a person's smartphone to receive help immediately. In this way, RapidSOS provides an unrivaled service that's as efficient as it's effective. This is important when considering that a person's life may be on the line in these cases. It will use cloud telecommunications and data analytics as well as advanced self-scaling and self-healing capabilities to meet any type of emergency.
Trend Themes
1. Cloud Telecommunications - Utilizing cloud telecommunications and data analytics to improve emergency response and communication.
2. Mobile Apps - Developing mobile apps that provide a quick and efficient way to reach first responders in emergencies.
3. Data Analytics - Leveraging data analytics to enhance emergency response and make it more effective.
Industry Implications
1. Emergency Services - Revolutionizing emergency response and communication for police, fire, and medical services.
2. Mobile Technology - Developing innovative mobile technology solutions for emergency services.
3. Software Development - Creating software applications that improve emergency response and communication.

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