Puppy Love

36 Designers Create Puppies to Fight Cancer

How can we fight we cancer? Well here is an unique idea:You get together 36 world renowned artists, architects and designers to convert a plastic 3D puppy into a beautiful and unique creation. These unique puppies will be auctioned,100% of proceeds from their sale goes directly to cancer research at the University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Implications - Charities that are backed up by designers or celebrities are bound to get way more donations than those that are not. Designers that team up with charities to help raise awareness and donate the proceeds of items are not only doing great business, but they are also being seen as a business who genuinely cares about others.
Trend Themes
1. Designer-backed Charities - Collaborating with designers and celebrities to support charities can boost donations and brand image.
2. 3D Printing for Fundraising - Using 3D printing and artistic design for fundraising can create unique and valuable auction items.
3. Artistic Innovation for Social Good - Encouraging artists, architects, and designers to use their skills for social good can lead to unique and impactful fundraisers.
Industry Implications
1. Non-profit - Non-profit organizations can collaborate with designers and artists to develop unique fundraising initiatives.
2. Design - Design firms can develop partnerships with charities to create unique designs and fundraise for social causes.
3. Medical Research - Medical research institutions can leverage the power of artistic expression and design to fundraise for cancer research and other causes.

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