Social Media Kiosks

The Public Twitter Booth Lets the Smartphone-Free Tweet On the Go

A curious concept, this public Twitter Booth in Skolkova, Russia lets social media addicts tweet away from their computers. Whether you've misplaced your smartphone or you're loyal to your landline, this convenient kiosk will serve to update your followers on your whereabouts and more.

The abandoned phone booth prototype is an interesting inspiration for a virtual intermediary -- many people caught up in the realm of social media keep smartphones on them at all times. All the same, if I were to stumble across this public Twitter Booth I'd be sure to tweet about it.
Trend Themes
1. Public Social Media Kiosks - Opportunity for companies to create public social media kiosks to cater to individuals who don't have smartphones or are not able to access social media on their devices.
2. Virtual Intermediary - Opportunity to create more virtual intermediaries to bridge the gap between individuals without digital devices and social media platforms.
3. Location-based Social Media Posting - Opportunity for location-based social media posting that could be enabled through public kiosks like the Twitter Booth.
Industry Implications
1. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing and advertising industries could benefit from using public social media kiosks as a new way to increase customer engagement and attract new followers.
2. Technology - Technology companies could potentially take advantage of this trend by creating new hardware and software that enable more intuitive, user-friendly public social media kiosks.
3. Hospitality - Hotels, airports, and other hospitality industries could potentially create public social media kiosks to cater to guests who may not have access to social media during their travels.

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