Functional Prebiotic Sodas

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Poppi's Better-for-You Beverages are Packed with Health Benefits

Poppi makes better-for-you prebiotic sodas with functional benefits that are uniquely flavored like Pineapple Turmeric, Blueberry Sage, Raspberry Rose and more. The brand's vibrant cans are unmissably bright and offer a modern look for an age-old remedy—apple cider vinegar. The prebiotic sodas are infused with natural ingredients to support everything from heart health and weight loss to relief from bloating and stabilized blood sugar levels. The newest addition to the brand's range of functional carbonated drinks is a caffeinated Peach Green Tea product, which will be used to determine if consumers want to see even more caffeinated drinks going forward.

Poppi, formerly called Mother, recently refreshed its entire branding and packaging, now emphasizing that it specializes in prebiotic sodas rather than apple cider vinegar beverages, which will help the products have a wider reach.
Trend Themes
1. Functional Prebiotic Beverages - The trend of adding functional benefits to beverages, particularly those with prebiotic ingredients, offers potential for innovation in the beverage industry.
2. Unconventional Soda Flavors - The trend of unique and unusual soda flavors like Pineapple Turmeric and Blueberry Sage presents an opportunity for beverage companies to differentiate themselves and appeal to health-conscious consumers.
3. Caffeinated Functional Beverages - The addition of caffeine to Poppi's functional prebiotic sodas and its potential success may generate a trend of combining energy-boosting ingredients with health benefits at large.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Industry - The beverage industry has an opportunity to capitalize on the trend of offering functional health benefits and unique flavors in beverages.
2. Health and Wellness Industry - The health and wellness industry can leverage the trend of prebiotic beverages to offer supplements and other related products to support gut health
3. Retail Industry - As functional prebiotic sodas gain popularity, retailers may consider expanding their product offerings to include these types of beverages for health-conscious consumers.

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