Egg-Shaped Towers

Planning Korea Envisions Egg-Shaped Architecture For the City of Paris

Planning Korea has taken an ambitious stab at envisioning the kind of architecture it hopes could help transform Paris into the world's most sustainable city. Its concept -- called L'air Nouveau de Paris or 'New Paris Air' is pretty out there and consists of a cluster of towers with egg-shaped heads.

The complex comprises massive egg-shaped metallic spheres supported by long stems of different heights. The towers would include residential accommodation, office spaces, hotels and commercial facilities, with movement between each 'egg' made seamless by a network of interconnected bridges.

Planning Korea does say these egg-inspired towers will be eco-friendly although it hasn't exactly revealed how.

This concept does seem pretty insane and alluring at the same time so it'll be interesting to see if it ever comes to fruition.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Architecture - The creation of environmentally sustainable buildings or structures for cities, through the use of clean energy sources and materials.
2. Mixed-use Developments - The fusion of multiple types of spaces within a single structure to promote fluidity and interconnectivity between different lifestyles and industries.
3. Iconic Design - The creation of buildings or structures that have a distinct or recognizable appearance and contribute to the urban identity of a city.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture and Design - This industry could use the creation of eco-friendly and mixed-use developments to shake up the traditional approach to city planning.
2. Hospitality - The hotel industry could benefit from incorporating innovative ideas such as mixed-use designs and iconic buildings to attract more guests and enhance their experience.
3. Environmental Sustainability - This industry could use eco-friendly architecture as a way to promote green practices and achieve sustainable development goals for cities.

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