Plaid Print Art

Justin Belmont's 'Plaid Please' Collection Features Digitally Painted Photos

Justin Belmont of has created a series of art called 'Plaid Please.' Each piece of work in the series is a digitally painted photograph of a men's shirt. It is an UltraChrome print with hand-painted acrylic gloss.

Within the collection are both vintage and new plaid patterns. Each plaid print can relate to anyone's style. Hints of preppy, hipster, classic or lumberjack are within each piece -- whichever pretty plaid artwork it is, it would undoubtedly spice up any ol' room.

Implications - Justin Belmont’s 'Plaid Please' collection takes an image and digitally paints a men's shirt on it. According to Not a Gallery, "Justin Belmont, conceived the idea when he spotted his brother's old, worn plaid shirts at the bottom of a closet."
Trend Themes
1. Digital Art - The 'Plaid Please' collection demonstrates the growing trend of digital art, merging photography and painting techniques.
2. Printed Photography - The use of UltraChrome prints with hand-painted acrylic gloss creates a unique style within the 'Plaid Please' collection, showcasing the trend of printed photography.
3. Plaid Patterns - The diverse range of vintage and new plaid patterns in the 'Plaid Please' collection reflects the ongoing trend of incorporating plaid into various design aesthetics.
Industry Implications
1. Art - The art industry can explore innovative ways to merge traditional and digital techniques, inspired by the 'Plaid Please' collection.
2. Photography - Photographers can embrace the trend of printed photography and experiment with different printing techniques, as seen in the 'Plaid Please' collection.
3. Interior Design - Interior designers can utilize the versatile 'Plaid Please' collection to incorporate plaid patterns into home decor, catering to different design preferences.

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