Trigger Happy Photography

Photographer Boogie Lens Captures Beauty In Pain

Guns, crack and the homeless don't usually come to mind when discussing a beautiful work of photography. But they just may take center stage in photographer Boogie Lens's work.

It is very rare to see hope in images of destruction. But Lens's willingness to get so close to places and people that most of us would go through great lengths to walk away from, is inspiring.

Photographer Boogie Lens uses documentary-style black and white to strengthen the impact of the image, and allow the viewer to focus on what is going on in the photo without distraction. And these images need the attention.
Trend Themes
1. Documentary-style Photography - Opportunity for photographers to capture societal issues and convey powerful messages through authentic and raw imagery.
2. Beauty in Destruction - Unique approach to finding beauty in unconventional subjects, challenging traditional perceptions of aesthetics.
3. Social Commentary Photography - Platform for photographers to address social issues and create awareness by capturing the unfiltered reality of marginalized communities.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Opportunity for photographers to explore unconventional subjects and storytelling techniques that provoke emotions and challenge perspectives.
2. Art - Artists can use their work as a medium for social commentary, highlighting societal issues and sparking conversations about important topics.
3. Media and Journalism - Journalists can utilize powerful imagery to tell impactful stories and provide a deeper understanding of social issues to the public.

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