Phases of Futurism

Trend Hunter Covers the Three Phases of Futurism in its eLearning Series

Trend Hunter's Innovation eLearning series on YouTube covers the Three Phases of Futurism in a four-part video module. The module explores the concept of futurism and the ways in which futurists take into account modern technology, scientific data, and the rate of innovation. Subsequently, the video outlines the ways in which the Three Phases of Futurism impact our world of today, such as the field of modern fashion.

The Three Phases of Futurism are then described as The Beguiling, The Emergence, and The Assimilation. The Beguiling deals with multisensation, physical interactions that take advantage of augmented reality, virtual reality, and other innovative technologies. For example, the video refers to the Sensorial Merchandising insight report, which offers real-world examples of retailers incorporating future-facing technology, such as VR displays, holograms, and more.

The Emergence fits into the megatrend of personalization, the trend of turning ambiguous concepts and generalized ideas into experiences and products tailored to the end-user. One example of personalization in The Emergence is the Personified Mobile insight report, which covers mobile systems integrating personified elements, such as Apple's Siri, Google's Assistant, or even the Kasisto Virtual Banking Assistant.

For more information on The Three Phases of Futurism, check out Trend Hunter's Free 2023 Trend Report.
Trend Themes
1. The Beguiling - Opportunity for fashion and retail industries to incorporate multisensory and augmented reality technology in consumer experiences.
2. The Emergence - Opportunity for mobile and virtual assistant industries to further personalize and tailor their products to individual users.
3. The Assimilation - Opportunity for technology and innovation industries to further integrate and streamline their products and services into everyday life.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion/retail - Can use technology like VR displays and holograms to create immersive consumer experiences.
2. Mobile - Can integrate personalization features like virtual assistants to tailor products to individual users.
3. Technology/innovation - Can work towards seamlessly integrating new technologies into everyday life through innovative and useful products and services.

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