Pet Microbiome Kits

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NomNomNow Collects Waste from Pets to Enhance Gut Health

Just this week, direct-to-consumer fresh pet food brand NomNomNow's first peer-reviewed study on the pet microbiome was published in PLOS ONE. This study looked at the bacteria living in the guts of 238 pets for the purposes of understanding the role that microbes play in overall pet health.

As pet microbiome research often involves laboratory animals and other complications, NomNomNow took a different approach. According to Ryan Honaker, PhD, Director of Microbiology at NomNomNow, "We explored whether we could mitigate these challenges by using a direct to consumer approach, collecting a large number of real-world pet samples, and in a relatively short time and completely noninvasive manner."

With more studies on the way, NomNomNow plans to use the insights it collects to continue to enhance pet food and health.
Trend Themes
1. Pet Microbiome Research - The exploration of the role of microbes in pet health opens up opportunities for developing new products and services in the pet industry.
2. Direct-to-consumer Pet Health Solutions - The direct-to-consumer approach of collecting pet samples for microbiome research has the potential to disrupt the veterinary and pet wellness industries.
3. Noninvasive Pet Health Monitoring - Using a noninvasive method to collect pet samples for microbiome research could lead to the development of innovative tools and technologies for monitoring pet health.
Industry Implications
1. Pet Food - The insights from pet microbiome research can be leveraged by pet food companies to create more personalized and health-enhancing pet food products.
2. Veterinary Services - Microbiome research has the potential to revolutionize the approach to veterinary care, offering new diagnostic and treatment options for pets.
3. Wellness Technology - Noninvasive methods for monitoring pet health, such as microbiome testing, can drive the development of innovative wellness technologies for pet owners.

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