Cheeky Exhibitionist Ads

Ky Gel's Personal Lubricant Ad is Deceptively Innocent

The 'Police' KY Gel personal lubricant ad is deceptively innocent looking, comprised of a cartoonish scenario where rows of law enforcement are not paying any attention to a robber in the background making a getaway with bags of cash.

Instead of focusing on the criminal, the huge gathering of police officers, Canadian mounties, sheriffs and even a SWAT team are apparently in the process of dealing with a much more dire situation inside of a building.

There are only two suggestive words on the ad: "Do Trespass," but even this doesn't help much with unravelling the mystery. The biggest clue comes from one police officer who stands in front of stairs, presumably trying to tempt a couple (or whoever else is inside the house) to step outside and take a break from their adult activities with multiple boxes of pizza.
Trend Themes
1. Deceptive Advertising - Incorporating subtle suggestive imagery in an advertisement to confer a different message.
2. Innuendo Marketing - Using suggestive language or indirect implications to hint at a product's benefits without explicitly stating them.
3. Humorous Marketing - Using clever or funny imagery to attract attention to a product or service.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Creating a new and innovative advertising strategy that helps a product stand out on the market.
2. Marketing - Developing innovative marketing strategies that build brand awareness and consumer loyalty.
3. Consumer Goods - Integrating humor and suggestive elements into consumer good marketing campaigns to appeal to a larger audience.

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