Gourd-Shaped Goodies

Reese's Peanut Butter Pumpkins Serve as Extra Delicious Halloween Treats

Reese's products are already favorite items in trick-or-treaters' goodie bags, so picture the increasing popularity that will inevitably result from the door-to-door giving of Peanut Butter Pumpkins. Along the principle that one shouldn't fix something that isn't broken, the candy company is making these seasonal treats using its existing recipe.

The different between Reese's Peanut Butter Pumpkins and the original is purely shape-based. The mold for these chocolates is made to resemble a Jack O' Lantern, complete with a grinning carved pumpkin face.

The retail implications of a product such as this would certainly involve the increase in Reese's sales over Halloween. And for those consumers who enjoy post-holiday discounts, these All Hallows' Eve sweets will be deliciously reduced from October 1st.

Photo Credits: Boo-Gleech | Shopping Blog
Trend Themes
1. Halloween-themed Candy - By creating candy with a Halloween theme, Reese's can constantly shift the attention of young demographics towards its products.
2. Seasonal Chocolate Molds - Creating new and novel chocolate molds around seasonal themes can keep the same consumer base interested while also attracting new demographics.
3. Post-holiday Discounts - Creating discounts on seasonal treats after the public holiday has finished can be an effective way to keep the sales going and maximize returns on holiday specials.
Industry Implications
1. Confectionery - Candy companies can continue innovating seasonal treats and mold designs to keep the young demographic engaged with its products and keep the holiday spirit alive.
2. Retail - Retailers must take note of the seasonal spirit and market the holiday-themed products to drive revenue and keep the spirits up for the consumers during a holiday season.
3. Discount Retailing - Post-holiday discounts can help discount retailers to sell off the seasonal left-over inventory and keep the revenues high without having to take a big hit on the margins.

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