Realistic Parenting Campaigns

The Parenting Unfiltered Ad Shows the Difficulties of Raising Kids

Last spring, Plum Organics released an ad called 'Parenting Unfiltered' that takes a more honest look at the lives of new moms and dads. While many ads for baby products show happy, put-together families gliding through their daily routine, few parents can actually relate to such images. This ad opts for a more realistic look at the prospect of raising a family by showing that things aren't always going to be perfect.

The Parenting Unfiltered ad was created by the baby food company Plum Organics as a way of "not only acknowledging but celebrating the complicated reality that is parenting." In the ad, families of all different backgrounds go through familiar routines such as struggling to put kids in the car, pumping breast milk at work and even mourning the loss of a family pet. While the ad does not actually show any of the company's organic baby food products, it conveys the brand's message that it is a trusted food option for real families.
Trend Themes
1. Realistic Parenting Advertising - Brands can take a more honest look at the difficulties of parenting through their advertising.
2. Authentic Family Representation - Companies can showcase families of different backgrounds and cultures to accurately reflect their target audience.
3. Emphasizing Real-life Experiences - Brands can emphasize the importance of creating products and services that meet the needs of real families in their advertising.
Industry Implications
1. Baby Care - The baby care industry can benefit by creating products that address the everyday realities of parenting depicted in these ads.
2. Advertising - The advertising industry can capitalize on the trend of realistic parenting campaigns by creating more authentic and relatable messaging.
3. Food - Food companies can showcase their products as a trusted option for real families by incorporating authentic depictions of parenting in their advertising.

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