Minimalist Student-Friendly Cafés

PARAS Café Has an Expansive Space That Facilitates Productivity

The team at Swimming Pool Studio are the creatives behind the PARAS café in Shanghai. When designing the coffee shop, the team considered the immense quantity of consumers who look for a good work space when choosing where to settle down.

In an effort to appeal to these students, freelancers and more, Swimming Pool Studio included a variety of comfortable desks. Although these tables are perfect for getting work done, they provide patrons who are simply looking to enjoy PARAS café's coffee and baked goods ample seating space as well.

The interior has a sleek minimalist aesthetic, with clean-cut patterns of blue and white marking the walls and the same light-colored wood implemented throughout. The bar is made to standout a little more however, with a geometric pattern that includes burnt orange and striped components.
Trend Themes
1. Minimalist Café Design - Businesses can consider adopting a sleek interior design and ample space to attract students and freelancers.
2. Workspace Cafes - Cafes that provide comfortable desks and seating space can be popular among individuals looking for a productive place to work.
3. Hybrid Cafes - Combining a café with a spacious work area can attract a diverse customer base, serving both coffee consumers and freelancers or students who need a place to work.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Cafes and restaurants can consider re-designing their interior and adding workspace options to appeal to a wider range of customers.
2. Co-working Spaces - Co-working spaces can partner with cafes to create a hybrid workspace that combines productivity and relaxation.
3. Furniture Design - Furniture designers can create products that cater to individuals looking for functional and comfortable workspaces within cafes and restaurants.

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