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The Papier Fashion Exhibition Showcases this Versatile Textile

One of the most revolutionary inventions known to mankind has to be paper and the Papier Fashion exhibition shows just why this versatile textile has persevered through time. Of course, this exhibit hones in on a particular aspect of paper. Yet by doing so, it shows just how pervasive paper has become in society.

Being shown at Zurich's Museum Bellerive, Papier Fashion exhibition "focuses on paper as a wearable material," according to Cool Hunting. This unconventional fabric comments on many issues, from political to environmental to social. For more insight on the show, visit
Trend Themes
1. Wearable Paper - The growing trend of using paper as a wearable material presents opportunities for innovative designs and sustainable fashion choices.
2. Sustainable Fashion - The Papier Fashion exhibition highlights the environmental benefits and creative possibilities of using paper as a fabric, encouraging the fashion industry to explore more sustainable materials.
3. Artistic Commentary - Using paper as a medium for fashion allows artists to make bold statements and spark conversations about social and political issues through their creations.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry can incorporate paper as a fabric, opening up possibilities for unique and eco-friendly clothing designs.
2. Art - Artists can explore paper as a medium for wearable art, combining fashion and artistic expression in innovative ways.
3. Crafts and DIY - The use of paper as a wearable material inspires crafters and DIY enthusiasts to experiment with creating their own fashion pieces, sparking a new trend in homemade clothing.

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