Playful Paper Animal Kits

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Unleash the Kid Inside with the Brave Paper Face Paper Toy Kits

Brave Paper Face Co. specializes in bringing the kid out in all of us with its paper toy kits.

For now there are three animal kits to choose from -- a squid, a dragon or a crab. Better yet, you can even decide to make all three if you so please.The kits' easy to follow instructions will soon have you folding your way to a delicate and wonderful toy creation. What's even better about the company is that you can either purchase it from Etsy or there is also an option of downloading the instructions and making it yourself for free. A personal favorite is the dragon finger puppets, which have just the right whimsical and colorful charm.

Go online, print out or order one of these fun paper toy kits and get ready to feel like a kid again.
Trend Themes
1. Paper Toy Kits - The rise of paper toy kits could lead to new and unique approaches to traditional play.
2. DIY Crafting and Toys - The trend of DIY crafting and creating toys oneself could lead to new innovations and ideas in the toy-making industry.
3. Sustainability in Toys - The use of paper as a material for toys could lead to more sustainable and eco-friendly options for children's playthings.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Manufacturing - The paper toy kit trend offers opportunities for toy manufacturers to innovate and create unique and eco-friendly playthings.
2. Art and Craft Industry - The trend of DIY crafting with paper and other materials offers opportunities for new and innovative art and craft supplies and tools.
3. Online Retail and E-commerce - The rise of paper toy kits as a niche product offers opportunities for online retailers to reach new markets and customers.

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