Non-GMO Seed Banks

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Organic Heirloom's Garden Seed Bank is 100% Non Hybrid

The Organic Heirloom Garden Seed Bank is a hybrid collection of seeds that are non-hybrid, organic, and features about 20 different varieties. The seed bank offers different vegetable and fruit seeds that are heirloom and heritage. Each variety is packaged individually in a good-grade mylar in order to protect it from molding, insects, light, or moisture.

The single mylar package comes with instructions on how to plant the seeds, harvest them, and about the different collections. When the packages are sealed, it has a shelf life of up to 3-5 years and is recommended that it is stored in a cool and dry space. It features seeds that grow lettuce, cucumbers, corn, cantaloupe, broccoli, and much more.
Trend Themes
1. Non-hybrid Seed Banks - Increasing demand for non-hybrid, heirloom seeds creates opportunities for seed banks and retailers to offer more diverse and sustainable seed options.
2. Organic Farming - The growth of non-hybrid seed banks reflects a larger trend towards organic and sustainable farming practices.
3. DIY Gardening - The popularity of non-hybrid seed banks reflects a growing trend of people wanting to grow their own food and control the source of their produce.
Industry Implications
1. Agriculture - The agriculture industry has an opportunity to meet the demand for non-hybrid, heirloom seeds and support sustainable farming practices.
2. Retail - Retailers can capitalize on the growing demand for non-GMO seeds by offering a larger selection of organic and non-hybrid options for consumers.
3. Homesteading - The non-hybrid seed banks cater to the growing homesteading and self-sufficiency movement by offering seeds for people to grow their own produce.

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