USB Robot Speakers

Optimus Prime Fights Bad Music in Speaker Form

Optimus Prime is no longer just a crime-fighting robot that can turn himself into a vehicle, as he now comes in a speaker format as well.

This robotic home entertainment is called the Optimus Prime USB Speaker Set, which comes with a helmet that folds out into speakers.

If you're not into the whole good robot thing, there is also an Ultra Magnus version of the speaker set.

Implications - One of the best ways a company or brand can establish a foothold in the marketplace is by altering a conventional item with a non-traditional design or imagery. By eschewing the traditional design of a practical product, the brand will draw interest from consumers seeking to differentiate themselves from the general public, as well as consumers attracted to the novelty of an item.
Trend Themes
1. Non-traditional Design - Companies can attract consumers by altering conventional items with non-traditional designs or imagery.
2. Differentiation From General Public - Consumers seek products that allow them to stand out from the crowd.
3. Novelty Items - Consumers are attracted to products that offer a unique or novel experience.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - The consumer electronics industry can explore non-traditional designs to appeal to a wider range of consumers.
2. Home Decor - The home decor industry can create novelty items that serve practical purposes as well.
3. Fashion Accessories - Fashion accessory brands can offer unique and eye-catching designs to allow consumers to express their individuality.

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