Orb-Ended Topiary Installations

The Optical Tree by Lisa Pettibone Distorts Its Surroundings

The Optical Tree is an adorable art installation that mimics the nature around it in a cartoonish way. Shaped like a bare-boned tree, every end of the Optical Tree's branches are topped with a glass orb, quite like the crystal balls that could be found in a fortune teller's tent. These orbs distort their forest surroundings in a visually captivating manner. Magnified, flipped over and more, viewers are given a different perspective that will have them feeling as though they just fell through a rabbit hole.

Created by artist Lisa Pettibone, the Optical Tree is located in the garden at the National Trust Property in Lacock, Wiltshire. The 'trunk' and 'branches' of the Optical Tree have ben crafted out of tubular steel while the glass spheres are hand-blown.
Trend Themes
1. Optical Distortion Installations - Opportunities for artists to create immersive, distorted environments using optical illusions and unique materials.
2. Cartoonish Nature Replicas - Innovative ways to mimic and reinterpret the natural world using whimsical and imaginative design approaches.
3. Alternative Garden Sculptures - Potential for artists and designers to create unconventional and eye-catching sculptures that transform outdoor spaces.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Integration of optical illusions and whimsical design in art installations.
2. Tourism and Hospitality - Opportunities to enhance visitor experiences by incorporating unique and immersive outdoor installations in tourist attractions.
3. Architecture and Landscape Design - Incorporation of unconventional sculptures and interactive elements to transform public spaces and gardens.

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