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This NTF Vast Campaign Sends a Message About Distracted Driving

It isn't enough to drive sober, as this NTF Vast campaign points out, because distracted driving of any kind can slow your reaction time and cause you to miss crucial changes in driving conditions up ahead.

The Swedish road safety organization had these three prints made by the Cordovan Communication advertising agency to target texting specifically as a dangerous activity while operating a vehicle. While you're typing an SMS to a friend much of your attention is inevitably on the screen of your iPhone, making a collision all the more likely.

According to the NTF Vast campaign, sending and receiving text messages while driving reduces your awareness of the street to a point that's equivalent to having a blood alcohol level of 0.15%. A wine bottle shaped callout and a few sloppy typos demonstrate the point.
Trend Themes
1. Distracted Driving Awareness - Creating campaigns and initiatives to raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving.
2. Texting and Driving - Developing technologies and solutions to prevent or minimize texting while driving.
3. Road Safety Advertising - Innovating approaches to delivering impactful messages about road safety.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Exploring creative ways to develop road safety ads that effectively communicate the risks of distracted driving.
2. Automotive - Integrating technology and features in vehicles to discourage or prevent texting while driving.
3. Mobile Technology - Designing apps, features, or tools that promote safe mobile phone usage while driving.

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