Digital Notepads

The Noteslate SHIRO Features an E Ink Screen and Impressive Battery Life

We're living in a world where everything is a touchscreen and the analog is often overlooked in favor of the digital, but the Noteslate SHIRO looks to create a marriage between both aesthetics. Featuring E Ink technology and offering users a digital experience that is as close to actually writing on paper as possible, the Noteslate SHIRO is designed to offer functionality that's more organic to encourage more interactivity rather than sticking to the tight constraints of a tablet or laptop.

A crisp 6.8-inch 1080 x 1440 pixel E Ink Pearl HD display on the Noteslate SHIRO is capable of up to 16 shades of grey, while the internal components include a 1 GHz Freescale SoloLite processor, 8GB of storage and WiFi connectivity. The Noteslate SHIRO is purported to last a whopping three weeks on a single charge.
Trend Themes
1. E Ink Technology - The E Ink technology used in the Noteslate SHIRO presents opportunities for disruptive innovation in the display industry, allowing for more realistic and interactive digital experiences.
2. Digital Writing Experience - The Noteslate SHIRO provides a digital writing experience that closely mimics pen and paper, opening up opportunities for disruptive innovation in the stationery and office supplies industry.
3. Long Battery Life - The impressive three-week battery life of the Noteslate SHIRO highlights opportunities for disruptive innovation in the portable electronics industry, enabling extended usage without frequent charging.
Industry Implications
1. Display Industry - The E Ink technology in the Noteslate SHIRO can disrupt the display industry by creating more versatile and interactive digital screens.
2. Office Supplies Industry - The realistic digital writing experience offered by the Noteslate SHIRO can disrupt the office supplies industry by providing a more convenient and eco-friendly alternative to traditional pen and paper.
3. Portable Electronics Industry - The long battery life of the Noteslate SHIRO can disrupt the portable electronics industry by addressing the common issue of short battery life in devices, allowing for longer usage without interruption.

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