Contemplative Fashion Photography

The Ones 2 Watch 'Undone' Editorial Features Nostalgic Styles

Photographer Jovan captures 'Undone,' a nostalgic style feature for The Ones 2 Watch. The image series is styled by Lela Maloney and highlight eccentric wardrobe picks that reference past decades. In addition to its floral dresses and high-necked halter tops, this editorial also features textural staples that explore unexpected fabric choices.

'Undone' boasts fashions from Kieley Kimmel, English Factory and Charlie May among other names and features models April and Claire B. The models hold a series of candid and contemplative poses that appear moody and unstaged. Rather than seeming overly posed, April and Claire are captured in raw and spontaneous shots that evoke a nostalgic style vision -- brought to life by editorial designer Rosie Daly.
Trend Themes
1. Nostalgic Fashion Photography - Opportunity for fashion photographers to capture candid and contemplative shots that evoke a nostalgic style.
2. Eccentric Wardrobe Picks - Chance for fashion brands to explore unexpected fabric choices and create unique and standout designs.
3. Raw and Spontaneous Modeling - Potential for models to embrace a more natural and unstaged look, capturing the essence of authenticity in fashion.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Photography - Opportunity for fashion photographers to experiment with capturing nostalgic and contemplative styles in their work.
2. Fashion Design - Chance for fashion brands to push boundaries and create eccentric and unique wardrobe options.
3. Modeling - Potential for models to embrace a more natural and raw approach, appealing to brands looking for genuine and authentic representation.

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