Construction Noise-Isolating Barriers

The Noise Collecting Barrier Ensures Noise Pollution Control

The Noise Collecting Barrier is designed to help provide noise pollution control when urban construction and excavation is taking place. The unit works by being placed around the circumference of an excavation site and channeling noise upward to the sky rather than outward and all around. This helps to keep the sound waves from reaching the ears of local residents, businesses and others.

Designed by Shih Dian Chang and Sin Siang Lin, the Noise Collecting Barrier works almost like a sound chimney in that it directs sound up and away. The unit is crafted from highly transportable materials that enable it to be erected and moved as needed. The equipment could help immensely when it comes to noise pollution control to help deter the annoyance of waking up to a jackhammer or trying to work through the annoyance.
Trend Themes
1. Noise Pollution Control - The trend of developing noise-isolating barriers is disrupting the construction industry and offers opportunities for further development in noise pollution control.
2. Urban Construction Solutions - The trend of designing noise-isolating barriers specifically for urban construction sites offers innovation opportunities for companies in the construction industry.
3. Transportable Noise Barriers - The trend of creating transportable noise-isolating barriers presents innovation opportunities for companies in the manufacturing and logistics industries.
Industry Implications
1. Construction Industry - The construction industry can leverage the trend of noise-isolating barriers to improve work efficiency while reducing the annoyance of noise pollution for nearby residents.
2. Manufacturing Industry - The manufacturing industry can explore the trend of transportable noise barriers by developing and producing these units for construction and excavation sites.
3. Logistics Industry - The logistics industry can take advantage of the trend of transportable noise barriers by providing efficient transportation and delivery services for these units.

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