Avatar Alter-Ego Apps

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The Nito App Generates Video of You Speaking as an Animated Avatar

Nito is an incredibly neat app that allows you appearas an animated avatar. The app tracks your facial features and distinct movements and you talk and reproduces them in real-time via an animated avatar. The app can record and produce 15 seconds of video at a time.

Once users have chosen their selected avatar and background, they then use a simple grid-based interace to map the location of their eyes, nose and mouth, allowing the app to track them as they move during speech. Users then hit the record button and start talking.

Nito users can choose from any of 12 different avatars and a wide range of backgrounds. Nine of the avatars are free, and other three cost 99 cents per use. Nito hopes to eventually expand its range of avatars and make it possible for users to create their own custom avatars.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Avatar Communication - The Nito app's ability to generate animated avatars that mimic facial features and movements opens up opportunities for virtual communication and expression.
2. Real-time Animation Technology - The Nito app's real-time tracking and reproduction of facial features in animated form showcases the potential for innovative animation technology in various industries.
3. Personalized Avatar Creation - Nito's goal of expanding avatar options and allowing users to create custom avatars presents a disruptive innovation opportunity for personalized avatar creation services.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - The entertainment industry can leverage the Nito app's avatar technology to enhance virtual reality experiences, create animated characters for films or games, or develop interactive animated shows.
2. Social Media - Social media platforms can integrate Nito's avatar feature to enable users to express themselves through animated avatars in video posts, live streaming, and video chats.
3. Education and Training - The Nito app's real-time animation technology can be utilized in educational settings to enhance remote learning experiences, create interactive training simulations, or facilitate engaging virtual presentations.

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