Gracious Grunge Editorials

Nicole Anne Robbins Shot Margo Frances for C-Heads

Nichole Anne Robbins photographed Margo Frances in this fresh-faced, yet grungy, editorial for C-Heads.

Frances came to Robbins' apartment with a trunk full of leather jackets in tow. According to Robbins, Frances has a natural knack for styling, and was heavily involved in picking out the garments she wore for the shoot. Hair stylist Jojo influenced the direction of the shoot in an organic way, styling Frances' hair in messy, playful hair 'dos that complemented the "grungy" vision.

Photographer and subject experienced an instant connection. Robbins explains, "Margo is cool and mysterious but full of warmth. Her eyes are ice blue and she stares at you with them like she is full if toughness but you can’t help but feel drawn to her in a way that makes you fall in love, like a long lost sister or a soul cousin."
Trend Themes
1. Fresh-faced Grunge - Opportunity for beauty brands to create products that combine the edginess of grunge with a youthful, natural look.
2. Personalized Styling - Opportunity for fashion retailers to offer personalized styling services that allow customers to curate their own grunge-inspired looks.
3. Organic Hair Styling - Opportunity for hair salons to promote organic and natural hair styling techniques that achieve a grungy, messy look.
Industry Implications
1. Beauty - Beauty brands can capitalize on the fresh-faced grunge trend by developing and marketing new products.
2. Fashion - Fashion retailers can leverage the personalized styling trend to offer unique and curated grunge-inspired collections.
3. Hair Salons - Hair salons can embrace the organic hair styling trend by incorporating natural products and techniques into their services.

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