Conceptual Post-Lockdown Photography

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Nicolas Abdelkader 'sWork Images a Post-Covid World

Nicolas Abdelkader's conceptual photography series 'The Urgency to Slow Down' imagines a post-COVID world that learnt from its environmentally unfriendly ways of the past, and re-images modes of transportation as something beneficial to the environment.

The series sees people using airports as public outdoor spaces, lounging on the grass surrounding the landing strip as if its a public park. In the background, an airplane has been cut in half to serve as a large planter that's filled with trees and flora. Similarly, some of the images re-imagine cars driving on the highway with plants blooming from its windows.

According to the artist, these renderings depict a more optimistic time at the beginning of lockdown, when he felt people would reconsider the negative effect transportation has on the environment.
Trend Themes
1. Post-lockdown Sustainable Urban Design - Opportunities for architects and urban planners to redesign public spaces and transportation infrastructure to prioritize sustainability and greenery.
2. Outdoor Urban Spaces - An opportunity for city governments and businesses to repurpose unused outdoor spaces, like airport runways, as public recreational areas or community gardens.
3. Green Transportation - A shift towards more environmentally-friendly transportation options, including car-sharing services and incentives for cycling and walking.
Industry Implications
1. Urban Planning - Opportunities for urban planners to integrate green spaces and sustainability measures into transportation networks and public spaces.
2. Architecture - An opportunity for architects to design buildings and public spaces that incorporate greenery and sustainable elements.
3. Transportation - Opportunities for the transport industry to shift towards sustainable practices and alternative fuel sources, and to explore creative ways to repurpose old vehicles and infrastructure.

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