Fearful Scientist Photographs

Nick Bower Captures the Issue of Global Warming Like Never Before

Photographer Nick Bowers, art director Celine Faledam and copy writer Rachel Guest have joined together with scientists to bring attention to global warming in a way that has never been done before with their project Scared Scientists.

In Scared Scientists, rather than point the camera at polar bears or melting glaciers, Bowers instead points the camera at the scientist who study climate change. The somber black and white photos help to underscore the fear that these scientists have, but more terrifying still are the expressions on their faces. In addition to the photographs, there is a brief interview where the scientists share what it is they fear the most.

With Scared Scientist,s it was Nick Bowers' intention to show the humanity of the people who study climate change.
Trend Themes
1. Humanizing Climate Change Scientists - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop platforms or campaigns that humanize scientists studying climate change to create greater empathy and connection with the global warming issue.
2. Emotional Visual Storytelling - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore new ways of visually storytelling global warming issues using emotional and impactful imagery, like somber black and white photographs, to create a stronger impact on people's perception of climate change.
3. Personalizing Climate Change Fears - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create platforms to amplify scientists' personal fears about global warming, enabling a deeper understanding of the urgency and importance of taking action to address climate change.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop innovative photography techniques or platforms that effectively capture and convey the emotions and fear associated with global warming.
2. Climate Change Education - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Use innovative educational approaches, such as integrating personal stories and emotions of scientists, to engage and inspire individuals to learn more about climate change and its impact.
3. Science Communication - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create new communication channels or tools that effectively communicate the human side of scientific research, especially in the context of global warming, to foster greater public understanding and action.

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