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The News in LEGO 2011 Series Recreates the Year's Top Stories

Many events and products rocked the world this year, and the News in LEGO 2011 series captures some of the bigger events. As media outlets begin to compile their year-end special reports, which are topped by those 'Best of' lists, The Guardian has decided to take a different and more unique route.

Through the News in LEGO 2011 series, The Guardian has curated some amazing works of art. Although very playful, these miniature scenes depict some very serious and momentous occasions. For instance, there is a recreation of the balcony scene during the Royal Wedding, Police lieutenant John Pike pepper spraying students at UC Davis, as well as a simple LEGO man representing the late Steve Jobs. The series is playfully poignant.
Trend Themes
1. Recreational Art - The trend of creating art using unconventional mediums such as LEGO bricks, which captures attention through its playful and unique approach.
2. Nostalgic Reproductions - The trend of recreating well-known scenes or events from the past using LEGO bricks, appealing to the nostalgia of individuals and generating interest and engagement.
3. Creative Journalism - The trend of approaching news reporting in a creative and unconventional manner, such as through the use of LEGO recreations, to capture the attention and interest of audiences.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - The art and design industry has the opportunity to explore new forms of creative expression by incorporating unconventional materials, like LEGO bricks, into their work.
2. Entertainment and Media - The entertainment and media industry can incorporate LEGO recreations into their content, creating engaging and nostalgic experiences for their audiences and driving increased viewership and engagement.
3. Journalism and News - The journalism and news industry can benefit from innovative storytelling techniques, such as using LEGO recreations, to make news stories more compelling and accessible to a wider range of audience.

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