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Virginia Tech and the Growth of iMedia

The tragedy at Virginia Tech and the speed in which gripping imagery and first-hand video hit the airwaves is an example of how the wireless generation is giving traditional news media a run for their money. Use of cell phone cameras is increasing by leaps and bounds allowing citizens to capture live action crime and tragedy in the making.

"As the shootings at Virginia Tech were occurring on Monday morning, Virginia Tech graduate student Jamal Albarghouti pulled out his cell phone and used it to capture video of police officers running toward Norris Hall. The footage Albarghouti captured is being called another indication that new technology has fundamentally altered news-gathering. Traditional media outlets still have enormous resources, of course, and a valuable role to play in providing in-depth analysis of the shootings. But print newspapers and even broadcast news outlets found themselves scrambling to keep pace with the flood of gripping images and reports released online by members of the wireless generation."

Implications - Though tragedy is as prevalent today as it was before, social media allows for news so spread quickly and thus, problems to be solved much faster.
Trend Themes
1. Increased Citizen Journalism - The growth of cell phone cameras and social media platforms enables individuals to capture and share news in real-time, challenging traditional news media.
2. Rapid Dissemination of Information - The speed at which news spreads through social media allows for immediate awareness and response to events, bypassing traditional news outlets.
3. Shift in News Consumption Habits - The rise of user-generated news content is changing how people access and engage with news, affecting the relevance and influence of traditional media sources.
Industry Implications
1. Digital Media and Journalism - The increasing reliance on citizen journalism and real-time news sharing presents opportunities for digital media platforms to provide innovative solutions for news gathering and distribution.
2. Social Media and Technology - The integration of cell phone cameras and social media platforms creates disruptive innovation opportunities for companies to develop tools and features that enhance the user experience of capturing and sharing news content.
3. News Analysis and Curation - The flood of user-generated news content requires advanced algorithms and data analytics to curate and provide meaningful insights, opening avenues for innovation in news analysis and curation services.

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