Independence Eve Celebrations

Newcastle Asks America to Celebrate Independence Eve

Brought to you by Newcastle Brown Ale

There are two things no American can resist: beer and a gangly Brit with a charming accent.

Newcastle has enlisted Stephen Merchant, the British co-creator of The Office, to imagine how great things could have been if the Brits had won the war over 200 years ago. Watch this video to hear Merchant discuss the benefits of having a British accent, and then visit to see more ways that America could have been better if the Brits had stuck it to Americans over two centuries ago.

Visit If We Won to get a taste of this alternate universe of better comedy, classier curse words and double decker-er buses. But most importantly, get a taste of how much more beer Newcastle would've sold, if we won.
Trend Themes
1. Independence Eve Celebrations - Creative pre-4th-of-July celebrations and marketing strategies.
2. British-american Partnerships - Collaboration between UK and US companies for creative marketing tactics.
3. Alternate History Marketing - Using alternative history scenarios for unconventional marketing campaigns.
Industry Implications
1. Alcohol - Opportunities for innovative marketing strategies to enhance sales of alcoholic beverages.
2. Entertainment - Opportunities for creative collaborations between entertainment industries in the UK and US.
3. Marketing - Opportunities for unconventional marketing campaigns that utilize alternate history scenarios.

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