Bribing Social Campaigns

This Newcastle Brown Ale Twitter Campaign Will Pay You $1 for Following

With its irreverent 'If We Made It' commercial for the Super Bowl, Newcastle Brown Ale proved that it had a wicked sense of humor when it comes to marketing—with a tagline that straight up states "No Bollocks," this brand is all about saying it like it is.

Now, Newcastle Brown Ale has introduced the 'Follow the Money' campaign, which will reward US residents 21 and over who follow them with a cheque for one whole dollar. The beer brand is all about transparency and with this new campaign, it legitimately asks: "Why should people endure the unsolicited marketing of other beer brands for free when they can endure Newcastle’s unsolicited marketing and get paid?"

Follow the Money will be going on until the end of June, or until the funds allotted to the campaign run out. Although it seems like a cheeky way to buy Twitter followers, Newcastle Brown Ale presents the campaign with enough humor to get away with it.
Trend Themes
1. Reward-based Marketing - A trend in which brands offer tangible rewards for consumer engagement, such as Newcastle Brown Ale's 'Follow the Money' campaign
2. Transparent Marketing - A trend of brands emphasizing honesty and openness in their marketing strategies, demonstrated by Newcastle Brown Ale's transparency in their 'Follow the Money' campaign
3. Humorous Advertising - A trend of brands using humor to engage with consumers, as seen in Newcastle Brown Ale's comedic approach in their 'Follow the Money' campaign
Industry Implications
1. Alcoholic Beverages - The alcoholic beverage industry can explore reward-based marketing strategies like Newcastle Brown Ale's 'Follow the Money' campaign to incentivize customer loyalty
2. Social Media Marketing - Companies in the social media marketing industry can adopt transparent and humorous approaches to engage with consumers, drawing inspiration from Newcastle Brown Ale's 'Follow the Money' campaign
3. Advertising and Marketing - The advertising and marketing industry can learn from Newcastle Brown Ale's use of humor and transparency in their 'Follow the Money' campaign, incorporating these elements into their own strategies for client campaigns

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