Icky Interactive Projects

'Native Commodities' is a Media Study on Bodily Fluids

Native Commodities is a social project designed by Will Carey to measure and test the limits of bodily fluids.

Everything from tears to urine and stomach contents can be tested through this funnel-like device.

I've got to say, this is pretty weird. Who would have ever thought that the contents of your vomit could become a tool for “sharing, manufacturing, and interacting with biological data from our bodies?”

Implications - The odd project is set to be on display at the Royal College of Art. If you want an up-close look, the featured video shows a woman named Makkoi Ishikawa sneezing, crying and vomiting into different test tubes for the icky interactive project. The simple music playing in the background of the video was created by Alva Noto and Ryuichi Sakamoto.
Trend Themes
1. Biological Data Interaction - The Native Commodities project explores the potential for sharing, manufacturing, and interacting with biological data from our bodies.
2. Fluid-based Testing Devices - The funnel-like device used in the Native Commodities project opens up possibilities for testing various bodily fluids, from tears to urine and stomach contents.
3. Social Experiments with Bodily Fluids - Native Commodities is an example of a social project that pushes boundaries by using bodily fluids as a medium for measurement and exploration.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - The healthcare industry can benefit from the disruptive innovation opportunities presented by the Native Commodities project, such as new methods of testing and analyzing bodily fluids.
2. Biotechnology - The biotechnology industry can explore the potential of using fluid-based devices, like the one in the Native Commodities project, for research and data collection purposes.
3. Art and Design - The art and design industry can find inspiration in the bizarre and unconventional approach of the Native Commodities project, incorporating bodily fluids as a medium for interactive experiences.

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