Comprehensive Physical Therapy

Myodetox Combines Massage, Chiro and Physio into Its Programs

Rethinking the way the human body is treated, Myodetox offers manual therapy that combines massage therapy, chiropractic services and physical therapy in an effort to fix any issues and improve performance as comprehensively as possible. Essentially the mixed martial arts of physical therapy, Myodetox may be able to address current issues, but it is also bringing awareness to the fact that the body requires proactive attention and maintenance to truly enjoy the changes brought about.

Founded by Vinh Pham, the Myodetox treatment begins with a Body Scan to better understand how the individual's body is ordered and balanced. From there, people undergo three broad steps -- Alignment, Articulation and Action -- depending on what needs work and what the patient is looking for.
Trend Themes
1. Comprehensive Physical Therapy - Combining massage therapy, chiropractic services and physical therapy is a trend that is rethinking traditional physical therapy techniques.
2. Proactive Body Maintenance - Myodetox is bringing awareness to the need for proactive attention and maintenance on the human body.
3. Individualized Therapy Programs - Myodetox's Body Scan helps create an individualized therapy program to address current issues and improve performance.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - The healthcare industry can benefit from adopting new, comprehensive physical therapy techniques like those offered by Myodetox.
2. Wellness - The wellness industry can provide Myodetox-like treatments that combine multiple therapies and encourage proactive body maintenance.
3. Fitness - The fitness industry can focus on the importance of comprehensive physical therapy to improve performance and prevent injury.

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