Animatronic Bacon Plushies

The Talking 'My First Bacon' Teaches Kids the Value of Pork Products

The 'My First Bacon' is a cute plush bacon strip that will help even the least carnivorous of kids realize the value of delicious pork products. When squeezed, the 'My First Bacon' declares "I'm bacon!" while moving its mechanical animated mouth.

This meat-oriented bacon plushie was created because ThinkGeen designer Christian realized that with vegetarianism and veganism becoming more and more popular, some kids might never realize the joys of bacon strips. While that might not always be a negative thing, the 'My First Bacon' will ensure that no kid will ever remain in the dark about the positive attributes of bacon.

The 'My First Bacon' is made up of velveteen pork flesh and fleece fat, making it dually cuddle-able and delightfully delicious-looking. As the ThinkGeek website declares: "What child on this planet wouldn't want to befriend a piece of mostly meat held together with fat and love?"
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Plushies - The concept of animatronic plushies that are capable of interacting with children in unique ways can be extended to different animals or food items to create an entire product line of interactive plushies.
2. Teaching Tools - Interactive plushies can be developed as teaching tools to educate children on different topics such as healthy eating, environmental conservation, and social behavior.
3. Novelty Products - There is a market for quirky novelty products such as the My First Bacon, which can be extended to other food items and everyday objects to appeal to people with a sense of humor.
Industry Implications
1. Toys and Games - Interactive plushies can become a new subcategory of toys and games, adding an entirely new dimension of playfulness to the industry.
2. Education - Interactive plushies can become popular teaching tools in schools, daycare facilities, and other educational institutions.
3. Gifts and Novelties - Novelty products such as the My First Bacon can be developed and marketed under the gifts and novelties industry, appealing to consumers who have a penchant for unique and quirky items.

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