Landscape-Protecting Photography

The Museum of Nature Series Preserves Natural Surroundings

This photo series, titled Museum of Nature, imagines what it would have been like if humankind reveled in and protected precious landscapes throughout the world instead of paving over them harshly to make room for a concrete jungle. Interestingly enough, this series doesn't deny the human race's need to create, yet instead of creating to destroy, these structure serve to preserve.

Photographed and Photoshopped by Finnish artist Iikka Haslo, the Museum of Nature series also shows how nature itself can be one of the greatest forms of entertainment out there, not just to explore physically, but to simply watch. Haslo say of his work, "I visualize shelters, massive buildings where big ecosystems could be stored as at present. These massive building protect forests, lakes and rivers from pollution and what is more important from actions of man himself."
Trend Themes
1. Nature Preservation Initiative - Initiating contests, campaigns, and public outreach programs that celebrate and protect nature through the lens of photography and other forms of art.
2. Eco-tourism Promotion - Promoting eco-tourism initiatives and destinations to encourage people to explore and appreciate nature while caring for the environment.
3. Green Design Revolution - Revolutionizing architecture and design to create structures that coexist and enhance the natural environment, rather than exploit or damage it.
Industry Implications
1. Photography Industry - Creating and promoting photography contests or campaigns that celebrate and raise awareness for the beauty and importance of natural landscapes.
2. Tourism Industry - Developing and promoting eco-tourism initiatives and destinations that prioritize the environment and educate visitors on the importance of conservation.
3. Architecture Industry - Innovating and promoting sustainable and green design practices to create structures that enhance the natural environment and protect it from human activity.

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